Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jump to page 123 and read

I was reading some older posts on writermorphosis today and she reminded me of an exercise to do. Grab the nearest book, jump to page 123, count down five sentences and post the next three. It is a neat exercise to see what others are reading and also one to take out a bite of your own book and see if those three lines stack up.

Gaffer boy, our son who is studying to be a Gaffer, has given me Terry Pratchett's The Color of Magic to read. I would prefer to start a series with book one and I generally do not care for books with a ton of made up words. I have just started it, but he is quite a visual writer and I just love this line: "Through sea-sized eyes that are crusted with rheum and astroid dust."

p. 123, "Codice of Chimeria killed the last one two hundred years ago. I don't know what we're seeing, but they aren't dragons."
"But they carried us up in the air!"

Susan Choi, "A Person of Interest" is a mystery I have not started yet, but it sits here waiting.

p. 123, "And to his surprise, rather than feeling bereft, he fairly hummed with contentment. For the first time in recent memory, perhaps for the first time since meeting Aileen, he had purpose, and peace. He had always loved a university campus in summer, the mysterious abandonment of the medieval city, with just a skeleton crew of damned souls left to meet his few needs: a single heavy-eyed stamper of books, a single sleepwalking ladler of gruel in the one cafeteria."

That last sentence means I will be starting it tomorrow. What a great visual. "skeleton crew of damned souls...single sleepwalking ladler of gruel..."

And, then there is Three Brothers in a Yellowwood Tree, by S. A. VanVleck
p. 123 of my manuscript:

"The crescent moon created a host of shadows as he watched a deer forage. White tail up in alarm, the deer ran deeper into the woods. Alex squinted to see what had frightened the animal when another creature moved into his view."

I am going to have to think on that. Is it enough of a word picture?

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