Thursday, September 17, 2009

My webpage redesign. Send help!

I have started getting some interesting feedback and so must set aside the synopsis (The teacher in me keeps typing syllibus. ) and get to work on my Web presence.

Redesigning the webpage is something I have struggled with for several years now; a century in internet age. I am torn. I love the images I see that come out of Avalon Arts Studio of Graphic Arts and Web Design. They put texture on the internet. I love it.

However, I am going for fun right now (note to self, stop obssessing). I come from a line of Obsessive Compulsives and fight any hint that I am following in those footsteps.

In analyzing what is best for web design, I came across this great site. Actually, they found me from my Twitter. Thank you guys at The Pro Designer (theprodesigner) on Twitter. I have done webdesign for years, but you never stop learning, so I am off to redesign my webpage to make it bright and fun, easy to navigate and non-irritating. I come from dial-up and I do know irritating.

If you do not see me in seven days, send help!!!

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