Monday, August 31, 2009

And, that's not all

I have folders for all kinds of hints and things to do in documents in Word. Since I am now going through outlining, synopsis, query, etc, it is time to go through all those notes and see what the experts tell me to do, to succeed.

After drawing up my list of items needed before I sent my manuscript off, I used that outline, including the numbering and I created files with the most important notes in them and the beginnings of what I had done as an outline, or synopsis, etc.

This was necessary as I found out I had about five starts on a synopsis and three outlines, etc. So, now I have a file entitled DOCUMENTS FOR SUBMITTING and within it I have folders titled: "2 a Outline - book long" "2 b Outline - book short" "2 c Outline - Moon Tree Series" and then: "3 a Synopsis Long 8 pg" "3 b Synopsis Long 5 to 3 pg."

I am working my way down this TO DO YET list from the top down, and yet, I have some started in almost every file. These starts will likely not be retained, but I'm off to work, yet again on my 2 a Book outline Long. Hopefully, the short one will be a bit more swift.

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