Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When the world is just a little off.

First, my favorite blogger,, just disappeared one day. Everyone deserves a day or two off but she was gone fifteen days. She reappeared yesterday with pictures of knotted yarn. I've had knotted yarn. I totally understand. I'm happy she is back, but that makes me wonder if we owe it to our "followers" to let them know we are in deed alive.

Which, of course, brings me to the fact that I disappeared for, well a long time, and I gained yet another follower. I do think this disappearing is good for my blog but since I am really, honestly and truthfully in the home stretch with my manuscript, I need to get busy on this blog again.

The only thing between me and an agent now is Meijers. Yes, Meijers, as in the big store like WalMart only classier and less noisy. That's just my opinion since I am irritated at all the price roll-ups at my local walmart and Meijers is thirty miles away.

Anyway, sixth grade teacher/daughter has completed her edit of my manuscript. She tells me that only one chapter is really redlined and that she has put it in her car so she will not forget to mail it at Meijer's, next time she goes. Hmmm, mail it at Meijers?

I talked to my 88 year-old mother yesterday and she reminded me not to travel today and tomorrow as we will be hit with rain and wind from this huge hurricane that is hitting the Gulf. (insert long pause here.) All I can figure is she fell asleep during a show about Katrina, woke up to see the forecast for Katrina and fell back to sleep. She's all battened down though and waiting and since we live in central Indiana, she's got a pretty long wait.

ATandT keeps trying to sell me high speed but then telling me they don't offer it in my area. Mean joke? Did you know you are not allowed to blog an ampersand?

Our son tells us he is engaged via Facebook. Ok, to be fair, he is in the Army, in Germany, and in the field, so he cannot use his phone, but he could Facebook it.

On the plus side, I keep reading that Middle Grade and Young Adult Fantasy is still hot, so as soon as Meijer's ships my manuscript to me, I'll get at it and, in the meantime. I will do my best to post more often and untanble my yarn on my own time.

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