Tuesday, July 28, 2009

#2 on the list of things to have ready for submission

This is like fingernails on a chalkboard and I really have no idea why. It is a synopsis and, as near as I can tell, you need to be ready with two of them and an outline.

The first is one page, single spaced or double spaced.
The second is more in depth, two to three pages
and the outline can be a paragraph for each chapter.

Anyone who knows different, please correct me, because this is what I am working on.

As in everything you submit, be it logline, synopsis or query, or ANYTHING, you need to make it alluring, intriguing and make the agent or editor sit up and say, "I WANT TO READ THIS."

So, do not think this is going to be a quick thing to write. Sure, you can do the old school thing of Sally went to the store and ran into Tom. Then, they did this and then she stabbed him because he suggested she should write a synopsis, but that will not cut the mustard here, folks.

Nope, we are talking serious revision and exciting verbs and I will post my most helpful finds for a Synopsis in the days to come. Right now, I need to go clear my head of debri, and keep working on my synopsis, synopses, synopsi.

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