I think I should just change the name of this blog to:
Perhaps I am just working on too many things at once and I
have not had a vacation forever, but let’s start here. As I go to post it, I pat myself on the back for getting it out here a bit more quickly, then I notice that I have written on the same issues I did last time..
Maybe I should rename it:
I have good intentions and then it just pops in my head that
I have not written in over a week, because:
I am trying to relearn Zazzle. I started with them in 2011
and have effortlessly sold, mainly otters on t-shirts, over the three years. It
is definitely not a living wage but then again, I am exerting next to no effort
on it. I decided it was time to get serious.
So, I spent one full day this week learning how to maximize
my store in Zazzle. I had directions. I outlined my plan. I went to sleep,
confident in my step 1-2-3 plan.
Only thing is; the plan was old and those steps were no
longer in the same place, on the website. All the plans were old. I am
convinced that everything written on the internet is outdated by the time I
read it.
My next ‘because’ is creating my website for my soon-to-be
Kindle book.
I have created my own web pages with Coffee Cup Web designer,
since I first learned html in 2004. It was so nice to move up to their Visual
Site Designer. Coffee Cup was still basically, at least I thought it was, a
site for non professionals to create their own website.
Now they have a Responsive Web designer. It sounds great,
your website will be able to be seen on an iphone or a laptop. I must have
missed the asterick that said, “for professionals only.” Either that or my mind
is just going. I think my household is voting for the loss of my mind, but, I
notice they are not volunteering to design my website for me.
I am very slowly learning it, or I am convincing myself of that.
Now, I discover that it is only part 1 of a two part program. They haven’t told
me how much part two will cost yet, either.
Anyway, I vote that everything written on the internet has
to have a date with it. Then, you will not spend a day with outdated
directions, And, while I am at it, I suggest that all commercials have to pass
a test for irritation. If they put a song on an automobile commercial, you should be
able to understand the words, at the very least. I would name the obnoxious commercial but, after several times of writing down the name, I lost the paper and still do not remember. So, your irritating people does not translate well.