Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brilliance in the night tugs at the back of my mind.

Well, we should not say brilliance exactly. Perhaps, awareness of stupidity would be more appropriate.

For all intents and purposes, after dozens of edits by me and three edits by two very intelligent, english oriented people, including a sixth grade teacher, I sent out my query, etc to my first agent.

Did you ever go back and have this sinking feeling? Darn, how did that get into the first page? I found a grammar error in the query and a book error in the first page of the book. What??? Do gremlins come in the night and change your words??? How did that get there?

I decided I better go through one more read, yet again, for errors. Then, in the middle of the night I woke up with the realization that I had to change my ending.

I've had this nagging thought that I was doing a "Oh and then the magic fairy whipped in and solved the problem." It was not exactly the major plot but it should have been.

So, now I shall go through, one more time out of a zillion, and do several things: make a definitive list of curriculum references, check for those gremlin errors, and make sure that my plot is resolved by my protagonist and not by any pesky fairies.

But first, I'm going to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving, with turkey or with vegetables. It's the friendship that counts.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Writing for Kids (While Raising Them)

Getting into my new way of eating. I've gone Vegan folks. Boys ate grilled cheese and tomato soup tonight. This is not going to be easy.

So, I have gone to my distraction, ta da, the net and found a great article by Mark Ury on using music to set the tone of your writing. Writing for Kids (While Raising Them). This is one of those "Duh!" moments.

I have used music in creating my art for years. When I sculpt a humorous animal, it's Lyle Lovett or Jalan Crossland. If I'm throwing on the wheel, it might be a country song or some hard core classical. As the sun is setting and I'm winding down, on goes the jazz and blues. So, why not bring that to my writing.

I have a major battle, t the end of my book series, and my mind is already wrapping around the problem of getting into the right mood for it. I've been writing in quiet or to CNN (it's on a lot). But, in four or five years, it's going to be something like Vagner or Wagner or Verdi.

In the meantime, I'm working on book two, MOON TREE MADNESS, and need to find some Charlie Chaplin movies for humor.

So, check out Tara Lazar's site for PiBoldMo and quit melting that cheese. Gosh, it smells good!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


I have updated my new 2010 PiBoldMo button on the side and done an "Enclosures" link for you. Hopefully, that will work. I used to be able to put links in here but the "Link" button did not work so well yesterday.

Last year, was my first year with PiBoldMo and I loved it. Granted, I only finished about half the month and something came up, but I have high hopes for this year. I still came away with a bunch of great ideas, gleaned from all the guest bloggers Tara welcomes in November.

So, if you are short of ideas, join up and get inspired.