And, just what does it tell you about my blogging, when I take a month off from posts and I gain a follower? Curiouser and curiouser! Forever, I have had one loyal follower, who has followed me through my "here is how to do your XYZ, on your website building or in your book, and then, Opps! I found a better way" postings.
I do thank you A LIFE IN THE DAY OF ME for being a loyal follower. Perhaps she is just too lazy to cut herself off from being a follower, or doesn't want to hurt my feelings, but thanks for whatever the reason is. And, thank you SHANI for joining our party.
I am still working on both the web site and the book.
I am downsizing the work involved in the website. It was taking too much time from my writing, when I am finding time at a premium. There will be nothing fancy, just get it up and done. I am tired of people telling me about all the broken links on my old one and I just want it all fixed.
I am up to chapter nine in the editing with Master's Daughter and her ideas have been invaluable so please do find a writing partner who can read your work and provide valuable insight. Master's Daughter is not for hire. She is actually working at Notre Dame this summer on some new fancy microscope. So, she is all mine, when I can get her.
The lack of posts. Could I just be lazy? I don't know but we have had a spate (gosh that's an old fashioned word) of illness. Mom was in the hospital again for her Congestive Heart Failure. I threw my back out, went to the ER, opted not for Steroids but to take Ibuprophen. Three days later my stomach was in such a mess I could not eat. So, now I have to have a stomach scope. More than you wanted to know, right?
Anyway, I lay here, propped with pillows, taking an occasional Hydrocodone for my back, and a something or other for my stomach and trying to focus on my book.
I do think it is time for an isolated writer's retreat. I'm off to do research on finding one. Hope you are all well. And WELCOME, new follower.